May 30, 2008

GREEN TEA ...has a great source !

In the everyday hustle and bustle of life people often ask, "Isn't there a quick fix or a magic pill that will make me healthy?" Although not a magic health pill, Green Tea has long been touted as a great source of antioxidants, a metabolism booster, lowers cholesterol and reduces the rate of strokes.

The Chinese and Japanese people have been benefiting from this tasty tea for thousands of years, with many people drinking 5-6 cups a day (note that the Chinese version of 'a cup of tea' is much smaller than the typical American mug...which can often double as a cereal bowl or a bathtub if needed). Green tea is also a great substitute for the morning cup of Java or the afternoon soda, it provides some caffeine but considerably less than coffee (about 60% less) or soda.

Green tea owes its health promoting attributes to the process with which it is made. Unlike black teas which are first fermented, green tea is steamed, locking all of its antioxidants in. Two small cups of green tea have as much Vitamin C as one glass of orange juice. Drinking green tea is quite literally like drinking a cup of salad greens. Experts recommend 3-4 cups per day as an optimum cancer fighting elixir.

Today we have a plethora of choices in green tea. There is everything from your standard Green Tea to Mandarin Delight Green Tea. The different brands and flavors all benefit from the refreshing and slightly sweet and mild flavor that green tea has. Tea connoisseurs will recommend a small cup with a white inside (to see and appreciate the color and aroma of the tea), but for the rest of us.....doing your best to drink a few cups a day will benefit your health in many ways.

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